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Market Day: First Signs of (Greenhouse) Spring

First signs of spring

The point of our Market Day! posts is to catalog what’s available at our local market from week to week throughout the year. We also just like posting nice photos.

The Union Square greenmarket is extensive, including farms from New York, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, and Western New England (Vermont, Connecticut, and Western Massachusetts). It’s also indicative of similar climates at similar latitudes.

We haven’t done a Market Day post in a while because nothing much has changed at the market in months. And that will continue to be the case for another 4-6 weeks. However, yesterday we saw the very first signs of spring (albeit most likely helped along by a few greenhouses).

Norwich Meadows Farm has been back at the market for a few weeks. Recently they started selling baby spinach and two forms of kale. It’s nice to see greens at the market again, but we suspect that these were at least helped along by a portable greenhouse (which can be placed directly over the soil bed), if not an actual greenhouse or hothouse.

Given their location in far Western New York State, maybe they were spared some of our worst snow. These greens are hearty and will grow as soon as they are given then chance by nature, but we’re still skeptical. As the first out of the gate with the greens, their prices are steep. We’ll stop by and ask them next week about how these were grown, if we have time:

GreensBaby kale

Fiori di Fenice sells flowers, which are definitely greenhouse flowers, but they were such a nice change from winter that we had to buy some of those orange tulips:


The tulips at home:

Tulips at homeTulip

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