By Lindsay, on August 18th, 2014 Click on photos to expand Did you know there’s a name for the veggies overflowing your crisper/garden/CSA box right now? Cucurbitaceae! Zucchini, summer squash, cucumbers, melons…we’re kind of drowning in them over here. Well, not melons, so much, and our little muffin (9 months tomorrow!) devours zucchini and summer squash, so we don’t really have a problem with that, but all the cucumbers are in our refrigerator right now. ALL! So. Many. Cucumbers.
We’ve eaten summer salads for days. . . . → Read More: Cucurbit Risotto
By Erik, on August 28th, 2013 Click on photos to expand
We’ve posted before about how a frittata is our go-to dish for getting vegetables out of the refrigerator. In the late summer we have a second play out of that same playbook to use up vegetables that, quite frankly, aren’t our favorites.
I’m talking about eggplants, summer squash, and those bitter purple peppers. We have good recipes for all of them (maybe not the purple peppers), but sometimes out CSA just drops too . . . → Read More: How to Make Ratatouille: The Late Summer CSA Leftover Disposal
By Erik, on October 10th, 2012 Click on photos to expand Lindsay was out of town for a few weeks for work. This has happened before. I can fend for myself just fine.
However, this has never happened during the peak harvest season when we have had a CSA. In the past, I could choose to go to the farmer’s market or not, buy however much or little I wanted to, stick to what I was comfortable with, and if all else fails, just order . . . → Read More: What to do with your CSA: a Husband Alone
By Erik, on September 29th, 2012 Click on photos to expand
This salad normally wouldn’t be worth a post, but I’m posting it for two reasons. The first is that it’s a part of my “Husband Alone with the CSA” series and needs to be included to show how I used everything up (including the lettuces). The second reason is because of a fundamentally more important lesson: always pre-roast your beets!
I can’t emphasize that enough. When you’re making something quick that could benefit from . . . → Read More: How to Make a Use-Your-CSA Salad
By Erik, on September 26th, 2012 Click on photos to expand
This is part of the continuing series in which I alone have to deal with our CSA for a week, including planning, cooking, and eating. This is a recipe that I found to deal with the two acorn squash that I had been dealt by Red Fire Farm. We often stuff them, but I just didn’t feel like doing so. This recipe turned out to be a preferable alternative for me. It’s so tasty! . . . → Read More: How to Make Acorn Squash with an Herbed Cider Glaze