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Market Day: It’s summer! Sort of…

Today was my first trip to the farmers’ market this summer. The weather did NOT cooperate, however. Mist and a cold wind fought my bike (and my motivation) the whole way, but I made it there and back with some awesome bounty. Check out those strawberries! The spiky, long things are garlic scapes, which are the stalks that grow from the tops of garlic bulbs. We use them like scallions or in pesto.

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Market Day!

We went to the greenmarket today with our friends Brian and Mary (and their baby daughter, Ellie). We only have a few pictures, but here they are.

Cayuga Pure Organics began putting their wares in bulk buckets a few weeks (months?) ago, and the system seems to be working well to scoop your own. Here is also a pile of lovely peaches.

The market today was overwhelmed by TONS of tomatoes. We saw . . . → Read More: Market Day!

Market Day!

The greenmarket early on summer mornings is the best. There is just so much, so much variety, and so many rare items that we’ve never seen before. You have to get there early before these more unique offerings sell out, but we do anyway due to the heat and the crowds (plus it’s easier to take picture).

One summer vegetable that is going crazy right now is eggplants. There were typical eggplants abound, but we . . . → Read More: Market Day!

Market Day!

Today was a great day at the greenmarket because there are so many items just coming out. They are still all small and young, but it’s great to see all these things that have been missing from the market for 9-10 months.

Fairytale eggplants are the best, and great for grilling (Monday!). These are still tiny and they are the first that we’ve seen, but we can’t wait. Also, we saw fresh chickpeas, which . . . → Read More: Market Day!

Market Day!

Here are our market pictures from the past two weeks. There are a lot of fresh new things in season.

First, the berries:

Spring onions and spring garlic. Over the past few weeks we have seen garlic and onions sold in various stages of growth. A few weeks ago they looked like scallions with a slightly bigger bulb on the end. Now they look like onions and garlic, but with fresh scallion-like greens sticking . . . → Read More: Market Day!