By Erik, on June 4th, 2011 Click on photos to expand
Strawberries are here! A number of vendors in Union Square were exploding with them. We picked up a few pints from Hodgson Farm. Lindsay is making and canning a strawberry-lemon concentrate.
Spring onions are everywhere, and very pretty.
Asparagus is still going strong, and tomatoes have begun to appear in recent weeks from places without greenhouses.
Lani’s Farm was selling many interesting greens. We bought some yu choy sum, and will . . . → Read More: Market Day!
By Erik, on May 1st, 2011 Click on photos to expand
The weather was nice yesterday, so I was able to bring my camera to the market. It is definitely spring now!
Ramps have been in for a few weeks but are still going strong. I read the article in the NY Times about how ramps are being over-harvested. I asked our sources at the market about it. They said that some ramps are cultivated by farmers, and those are sustainable. Others are harvested in . . . → Read More: Market Day
By Erik, on April 21st, 2011 Click on photos to expand Last Saturday was the first day at the market that I would consider a true spring haul. While it’s been possible to buy some greens for about 6 weeks now, it was only from one or two vendors who grow their early greens under glass, and they charge a considerable premium when they are the only ones selling it. This week, though, there was much more. In addition, a few farmers who have been gone . . . → Read More: Market Day: Spring has Sprung (Delayed)
By Erik, on March 13th, 2011 Click on photos to expand
The point of our Market Day! posts is to catalog what’s available at our local market from week to week throughout the year. We also just like posting nice photos.
The Union Square greenmarket is extensive, including farms from New York, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, and Western New England (Vermont, Connecticut, and Western Massachusetts). It’s also indicative of similar climates at similar latitudes.
We haven’t done a Market Day post in a while because . . . → Read More: Market Day: First Signs of (Greenhouse) Spring
By Erik, on December 18th, 2010 Click on photos to expand Today was a melancholy market day. Because both Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on Saturdays this year, today was the last major Saturday greenmarket at Union Square until the springtime. Every conversation between customer and vendor consisted of some variation of “when are you back?” or “how long will you be gone?” Usually these questions are about the produce. Today, they were about the farmers themselves.
Technically, the market is open all year. Many . . . → Read More: Market Day!