By Erik, on March 10th, 2013 Click on photos to expand Lindsay and I had a busy day. But we had a lot of help in the form of pressurized steam, yeast, and lactobacillus bacteria.
We’re leaving for Florida early this week and received a shocking amount of food from our CSA, considering it’s still the winter season and it was the second-to-last pickup. Four pounds of onions, four pounds of beets and radishes, five pounds of apples… you get the picture. We’ve certainly gotten our . . . → Read More: A Busy Day Working with and Against Microbes
By Lindsay, on March 12th, 2012 Click on photos to expand When I started canning, I didn’t have a whole lot of fancy tools. You honestly don’t need that much, but there are a few extras that really make life easier. One of those is a food mill. This is basically a crank that forces food through a screen. In doing so, it removes seeds, stems, peels, and tough fibers and produces a smooth and uniform sauce. I use it for fruit butters, applesauce, and tomato . . . → Read More: How to Set Up a KitchenAid Food Mill Attachment
By Lindsay, on July 21st, 2011 Click on photos to expand Get ready for some MacGyver moves. If you ever find yourself without a cherry pitter and have 9 pounds of cherries to prepare for canning, just grab a paper clip and open it up to make a “hook” on each end. The first few cherries will be a little awkward, but after that you’ll get the motion down and fly through the pile. I was really surprised at how well it worked! It was also . . . → Read More: How to Pit a Cherry with a Paper Clip (Video)