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Father’s Day Breakfast Idea: How to Make Homemade Pop Tarts

Dad! Don’t read this post until Sunday!

My dad has many amazing qualities. He can make a game out of anything – including rolled up socks, the packing material from our new blinds, and a big bucket leftover from some construction project. Incidentally, bucket rides also illuminated one of my mom’s best qualities – trusting that her husband wouldn’t put her kids in the hospital and letting us have some crazy fun.

Dad . . . → Read More: Father’s Day Breakfast Idea: How to Make Homemade Pop Tarts

How to Can Strawberry Lemonade

a.k.a How to Can Summer

I don’t use my . . . → Read More: How to Can Strawberry Lemonade

Field Trip! Strawberry Picking at Red Fire Farm

[Note: This should have been posted yesterday, but I ran into some technical issues.]

After days and days of rain (including a crazy thunderstorm yesterday and resulting power-outage), today was just fantastic. To take advantage of the beautiful weather, a friend and I headed up (over?) to Red Fire Farm to pick some strawberries. Our CSA includes some pick-your-own opportunities, so we went bonkers and got 8 quarts each. That’s enough for two batches . . . → Read More: Field Trip! Strawberry Picking at Red Fire Farm

Vanilla Rhubarb Jam (Small Batch Canning in a Large Batch Pot)

Maybe I’m late to the party, but I just realized this morning that I don’t have to fill my big canning pot with an insane amount of water every time I can. I have been trying out various small batch (3-4 jars) canning solutions, but they are all pretty hacked and inelegant. It’s such a downer to make a quick batch of jam only to wait (and wait and wait) for my canner to . . . → Read More: Vanilla Rhubarb Jam (Small Batch Canning in a Large Batch Pot)

Working Through the Potato Bags: Potato Peanut Curry

Our winter CSA gave us SO many potatoes this winter. All sorts of varieties and colors, too. I’m not sure why, but potatoes are never top of mind when I’m meal planning. I’ll be better prepared next winter, but I let too many of them spoil this year. Does anyone have a good method for storing them? We’ve tried lots of things, but without success.

Anyway…we had two paper sacks of potatoes (some purple . . . → Read More: Working Through the Potato Bags: Potato Peanut Curry