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Building Community Through Food

This week, I stumbled into two great examples of how food brings people together. First, we scored some local grains (for free!) from a poster on a Yahoo listserve for local parents. Super! After a short trip and a nice conversation, we are the proud owners of two quarts of local oats and some helpful info on CSAs in the area. Not quite sure what we’re going to do with the oats, but I’m excited . . . → Read More: Building Community Through Food

How to Make a Winter Smoothie with Local Ingredients

In the winter, I usually crave hot breakfasts. Oatmeal with applesauce and peanut butter, eggs of all sorts, or pancakes. Recently, I haven’t been eating particularly well, so I’ve been trying to get a little “insurance” at breakfast to make up for the Pad Thai at lunch and burger, fries, and a shake at dinner. Yep. That was yesterday.

Smoothies are an easy way to cram more veggies into your day. A little fruit covers . . . → Read More: How to Make a Winter Smoothie with Local Ingredients

How to Make Acorn Squash with an Herbed Cider Glaze

This is part of the continuing series in which I alone have to deal with our CSA for a week, including planning, cooking, and eating. This is a recipe that I found to deal with the two acorn squash that I had been dealt by Red Fire Farm. We often stuff them, but I just didn’t feel like doing so. This recipe turned out to be a preferable alternative for me. It’s so tasty! . . . → Read More: How to Make Acorn Squash with an Herbed Cider Glaze

How to Make Roasted Squash with Chile Vinaigrette

This is going to be the first post in a series called “Husband Alone with the CSA.” Lindsay has been away for work for two weeks. I’ve been travelling 3 days a week as well. Although I’ve been trying to share our bounty with friends and neighbors, I still have had to cook my way out from under a big pile of produce each week. The biggest challenge has been the menu planning. I’m . . . → Read More: How to Make Roasted Squash with Chile Vinaigrette

Roasted Squash and Black Bean Salad

For another one of our quick meals this past week we were fortunate to a have an unintended convergence of three ingredients:

At the prior week’s market, we had purchased some (actually too much) lovely Hubbard squash from Northshire Farm, and we needed to use it or lose it. At this week’s greenmarket, we were fortunate to find leafy greens, including spinach, being sold by Norwich Meadows. That’s completely out of season, but when . . . → Read More: Roasted Squash and Black Bean Salad