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How to Make Roasted Squash with Chile Vinaigrette

This is going to be the first post in a series called “Husband Alone with the CSA.” Lindsay has been away for work for two weeks. I’ve been travelling 3 days a week as well. Although I’ve been trying to share our bounty with friends and neighbors, I still have had to cook my way out from under a big pile of produce each week. The biggest challenge has been the menu planning. I’m . . . → Read More: How to Make Roasted Squash with Chile Vinaigrette

Pre-Thanksgiving Light Lunch: Peach and Roasted Beet Salad

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Today is my favorite holiday all year – not surprising that I look forward to a holiday focused on food, huh? I LOVE the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, but before you dive head first into a plate of brown-ish, carb-y, gravy-soaked dinner, consider a colorful “pre-game” salad. This one comes together in a jiffy after the beets are roasted (which you could do a day or so ahead of time) and is jam-packed . . . → Read More: Pre-Thanksgiving Light Lunch: Peach and Roasted Beet Salad