By Lindsay, on February 22nd, 2013 Click on photos to expand The last few weeks have been tough for Erik and me. We’ve both been really focused on work (he’s been REALLY focused on work). Plus, Erik has been traveling a lot, which means I’ve been home alone eating like a preschooler – mac and cheese, peanut butter, ice cream. Also, the house is a mess and I haven’t been to the gym in ages…but that’s beside the point. Basically, the most interesting thing to come . . . → Read More: Eating vicariously
By Erik, on April 12th, 2012 Click on photos to expand In the past two days I’ve come across a number of articles on “real food”, as well as the connections between food and health. Taken together, these provide a pretty good starting summary for why we shop, cook, and eat the way that we do.
The first topic is the most visible in the news: factory farms are nasty places. The conditions, combined with the 100mph processing that the animals go through combine forces . . . → Read More: A flurry of articles: why we do what we do…
By Erik, on April 2nd, 2012 Click on photos to expand Our shift towards eating local food began as a shift towards cooking more for ourselves and eating whole foods (or “real food” as some call it).
A friend was suffering from pancreatic cancer at a tragically young age, and was fighting it as best she could with diet. It was primarily about cutting sugar almost entirely out of her diet in every form.
Lindsay and I had read Michael Pollan and already understood . . . → Read More: 60 Minutes: Is Sugar Toxic?
By Erik, on July 27th, 2011 Click on photos to expand There is an interesting article in the NY Times that is, unfortunately, very poorly titled and includes a stupid picture, but it’s about a great topic.
On a quick glance even I thought that the piece was about dumpster-diving (or, I guess, “urban foraging”). Get past that revulsion and actually read it.
What it’s about is how farmers’ markets and CSAs provide people with parts of plants never seen in the grocery store, and . . . → Read More: NY Times Article: “Nose to Tail” for Produce
By Erik, on June 8th, 2011 Click on photos to expand Every once in a while I get into a discussion with someone who has a bone to pick with the concept of the local food movement and farmer’s markets in general.
Some of the common points that they raise:
Industrial farms are the only system that could possibly feed the whole world. If we went back to farming circa 1900, millions would starve.
That’s right AND wrong, by virtue of being a straw man. We . . . → Read More: Another Reason to Support Flying Pigs Farm: Their Truck Fuel