Here are our market pictures from the past two weeks. There are a lot of fresh new things in season.
First, the berries:
Spring onions and spring garlic. Over the past few weeks we have seen garlic and onions sold in various stages of growth. A few weeks ago they looked like scallions with a slightly bigger bulb on the end. Now they look like onions and garlic, but with fresh scallion-like greens sticking out of the top. This week we began to see the first garlic with the green dried into more of a husk. Fresh garlic is interesting to work with before it gets dried. Very flavorful!
Young beets and young carrots, with the greens still attached. We use beet greens like any other bitter leafy green. We don’t use the carrot greens.
Summer squash, which we will be posting a lot about in the coming weeks. This was a summer staple last year!
Fresh lavender:
S&SO always has such a nice haul of root vegetables and onions, and they set it up in such a pretty way. Same with Norwich Meadows and leafy greens.
Snap peas and purple string beans.
By the time we were done yesterday, out basket looked like it was exploding with green. Several people on the street commented (including a woman on Park Avenue S. who was stunned by how pretty it was). When we got home we rewarded ourselves with a snack made up of a thin slice of Cato Corner cheese and Lindsay’s homemade Cranbanerro Jelly. Yum!