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How to Stir Fry

If you’re trying to work more veggies into your diet or reduce the amount of meat you eat, stir frying is a great option. You can pack TONS of vegetables in and use just a little bit of meat and it will taste delicious. There really isn’t a recipe here, just a technique. Use anything you have hanging around, but do all your prep work before you start cooking. This is critical. Stir fry . . . → Read More: How to Stir Fry

Using Up Leftover Polenta: Pan-Fried Polenta Cakes

We had a lot of leftovers from Saturday’s celeriac polenta. Lindsay came up with a great idea to use it up: pan-fried polenta cakes for breakfast.

We tried two versions. We went savory with the first batch, to which we added salt, pepper, and smoked Spanish paprika. This really worked. The smoked paprika really came through. We ate it with poached eggs, fresh pepper, and a black finishing salt.

With the second batch we . . . → Read More: Using Up Leftover Polenta: Pan-Fried Polenta Cakes

How to Make a Frittata – The Cook’s Leftover Disposal

Lindsay and I always make sure to have at least half-dozen eggs in the fridge. As an aside, we make sure to buy good eggs from healthy chickens, usually from Knoll Krest, Flying Pigs Farm, or Grazin’ Angus Acres. More about our eggs in a future post. The primary reason that we make sure to keep eggs on hand is that when we have leftover vegetables that are getting long in the tooth, we . . . → Read More: How to Make a Frittata – The Cook’s Leftover Disposal

According to the Local Food Wheel, it’s Officially “Dark Days”

I turned our local/seasonal food wheel over to the first week of January. This is it. Dark Days ahead!

Our local food wheel sees three more months of winter (click for larger version).

According to the wheel, from now on only the following will be available, and not in peak (i.e., in storage). According to the wheel, this condition lasts through March:

Potatoes Onions Cabbage Beets Carrots Rutabaga, Turnips Parsnips Shallots Winter Squash . . . → Read More: According to the Local Food Wheel, it’s Officially “Dark Days”

Roasted Vegetables – Winter Version and Misc. Techniques

We already covered the how-to’s of roasting vegetables in our techniques section. Since it’s such an easy meal, I made a winter version last week while Lindsay was away. We had some vegetables that we had neglected and needed to use up. I took some pictures to document some of the atypical winter ingredients and cover a few helpful tips.


Roasting potato mix (back left) Brussels sprouts (back right) Watermelon radish (front . . . → Read More: Roasted Vegetables – Winter Version and Misc. Techniques