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According to the Local Food Wheel, it’s Officially “Dark Days”

I turned our local/seasonal food wheel over to the first week of January. This is it. Dark Days ahead!

Our local food wheel sees three more months of winter (click for larger version).

According to the wheel, from now on only the following will be available, and not in peak (i.e., in storage). According to the wheel, this condition lasts through March:

Potatoes Onions Cabbage Beets Carrots Rutabaga, Turnips Parsnips Shallots Winter Squash . . . → Read More: According to the Local Food Wheel, it’s Officially “Dark Days”

Market Day: Houston!

We’ve been a bit AWOL for the last week. That is because we were in Texas. Because we were away, we missed our usual Saturday morning visit to the Union Square Greenmarket, but we did get to go to the local farmers’ market in Houston with our friends Sarah and Paul. Accordingly, this week’s (belated) Market Day post is a Houston edition!

In local eating, the grass is always “greener” (haha). Back home in New . . . → Read More: Market Day: Houston!

Dark Days: Pumpkin Bisque

We spent the week in sunny Texas, but got home yesterday to dreary drizzle. Blech. Luckily, we had fun brunch plans and all the ingredients for a steamy soup ready for today. There’s really nothing better, in my opinion, than a warm bowl between your hands on a dark winter night. Even better if the contents of that bowl are sprinkled with bacon.

This recipe comes from a great book called Art of . . . → Read More: Dark Days: Pumpkin Bisque

Produce Profile: Sunchokes

Sunchokes are our new obsession. They’re sweet and crispy raw and roast up nicely. Erik eats one or two almost every day in his lunchtime salad.

Background: Sunchokes, a.k.a. Jerusalem artichokes, are the roots of a species of sunflower. They were discovered by the western world in 1605 by Samuel Champlain, a French explorer, who initially compared the taste to an artichoke. I’m not sure why though…I don’t taste it. The “Jerusalem” piece of . . . → Read More: Produce Profile: Sunchokes

Market Day!

Today was an early day at the Union Square Greenmarket. Lindsay had an event for work, so I was shopping alone today. On my first pass through for browsing I got a few pictures, but once I started buying my hands were too full to take any more!

Red carrots

Rainbow beets

Fresh horseradish

Mixed color fingerling roasting potatoes

For Andy from The Office: Broccoli Raab

Green beans, still . . . → Read More: Market Day!