By Erik, on July 30th, 2011 Click on photos to expand We went to the greenmarket today with our friends Brian and Mary (and their baby daughter, Ellie). We only have a few pictures, but here they are.
Cayuga Pure Organics began putting their wares in bulk buckets a few weeks (months?) ago, and the system seems to be working well to scoop your own. Here is also a pile of lovely peaches.
The market today was overwhelmed by TONS of tomatoes. We saw . . . → Read More: Market Day!
By Erik, on July 2nd, 2011 Click on photos to expand
Today was a great day at the greenmarket because there are so many items just coming out. They are still all small and young, but it’s great to see all these things that have been missing from the market for 9-10 months.
Fairytale eggplants are the best, and great for grilling (Monday!). These are still tiny and they are the first that we’ve seen, but we can’t wait. Also, we saw fresh chickpeas, which . . . → Read More: Market Day!
By Erik, on June 26th, 2011 Click on photos to expand Here are our market pictures from the past two weeks. There are a lot of fresh new things in season.
First, the berries:
Spring onions and spring garlic. Over the past few weeks we have seen garlic and onions sold in various stages of growth. A few weeks ago they looked like scallions with a slightly bigger bulb on the end. Now they look like onions and garlic, but with fresh scallion-like greens sticking . . . → Read More: Market Day!
By Lindsay, on May 10th, 2011 Click on photos to expand
Greens, I have missed you! After a winter of cabbage and root vegetables, I was DYING for a big green salad. Armenia has great tomatoes and cucumbers already, but they don’t really have a green salad tradition. I knew the first thing I would make once home would be a ridiculously huge salad.
We weren’t able to go to the market on Saturday because of a wedding (congratulations!!), so we went to the much . . . → Read More: Greens are back! Mixed Green Salad with Sunflower Thyme Pesto
By Lindsay, on January 19th, 2011 Click on photos to expand This is an incredibly simple, mindless vegetable broth. It mimics the boxed or canned brands, but is salt-free (a standard 1-cup serving contains 20-25% of your daily sodium allowance!) and allows you to control the quality of the ingredients. It also takes advantage of my favorite appliance, the slow cooker, so you can throw it together with about 15 minutes of hands-on time.
We’ve been making this about every two weeks, but that’s kind of . . . → Read More: How to Make Vegetable Broth