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Grass-Fed Meat and the Museum of Science

If you live in the Boston area and don’t already have plans for tomorrow, take a look at this dinner organized by Boston’s Museum of Science! One of the chefs is from Russell House Tavern, a restaurant we really like. In addition to a menu of sustainably-raised food, there will be speakers discussing the effects of animals’ lifestyles on the flavor and quality of their meat. Might be TMI for some people, but I think . . . → Read More: Grass-Fed Meat and the Museum of Science

We’re back!

We’ve had a few changes over the last month…

(1) We moved to Somerville, MA (greater Boston area). We’re still getting settled in and figuring out the local food scene, but we’re loving it so far. We signed up for a winter CSA with Red Fire Farm, so we’ll post on that every other week when we get our share.

(2) We’re engaged! There won’t be much about all that on the blog, but it . . . → Read More: We’re back!

April Fool!

The Brooklyn Kitchen is one of two favorite stores for all things kitchen-related. They also offer in-depth culinary classes, some in conjunction with their in-house butcher shop, The Meat Hook. If you are a cook in NYC you probably know them already.

However, you might not be on their mailing list. Today they sent out their monthly class schedule, full of joke classes for April.

The listings ranged from survivalist:

Knife Skills 202: Knife . . . → Read More: April Fool!

I Love Pi(e)!

In case you didn’t know, today is Pi Day! Pi equals 3.14 blah blah blah, so this fantastic number is celebrated on March 14th. It’s a pretty awesome thing – it can’t be expressed as a ratio of two integers, it goes on forever, and never repeats. If you’re intriged, read The Joy of Pi, but this is a food blog, so I’ll keep my math-nerdy excitement to myself.

Today is, however, a great excuse . . . → Read More: I Love Pi(e)!

Thanks to Charlie for Our New Logo!

Lindsay and I want to thank her brother, Charlie, for designing both our original logo (v1.0), and our new and improved logo (v2.0).

When we decided to start this blog we gave him a few thoughts and sample images with styles that we liked. Our initial thoughts were limited to what, in retrospect, is really “font-art” (e.g., Google’s ever-changing images that all depict the word “Google”). We weren’t really thinking about a real “logo”.

. . . → Read More: Thanks to Charlie for Our New Logo!