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How to Make Roasted Squash with Chile Vinaigrette

This is going to be the first post in a series called “Husband Alone with the CSA.” Lindsay has been away for work for two weeks. I’ve been travelling 3 days a week as well. Although I’ve been trying to share our bounty with friends and neighbors, I still have had to cook my way out from under a big pile of produce each week. The biggest challenge has been the menu planning. I’m . . . → Read More: How to Make Roasted Squash with Chile Vinaigrette

Corn and Zucchini Stir-Fry with Cashews

More zucchini!! This is a recipe I first made while babysitting for my niece, who was not yet two at the time. She sat at the counter jabbering away, while I chopped and cooked, close enough to catch her and far enough away to keep her hands a safe distance from the stove. That night we made up an awesome call-and-response scatting game. She would blab something that obviously made sense to her, but sounded . . . → Read More: Corn and Zucchini Stir-Fry with Cashews

Awesome Spicy-Sweet Cantaloupe Slaw

Cantaloupe is another CSA adventure for us. Both of us kind of like it, but not nearly as much as the other fruit that tempts us at the farmer’s market – peaches, blueberries, raspberries… Yum! When it showed up in our share last week, I ate two slices then cut up the rest and froze it. Granted, we just got an awesome chest freezer, so I’m a little freezer-happy at the moment, but still. . . . → Read More: Awesome Spicy-Sweet Cantaloupe Slaw

Smashed Zucchini on Toast (or What to Do With All That Zucchini??)

Hello all! After a fantastic wedding and honeymoon, we’re back to cooking like ourselves again. It was a few crazy weeks of delicious restaurant meals (and crackers shoved into my face when time got away from me), but now it’s time to settle into some better eating habits. Luckily, it’s summer, so healthy eating is (relatively) easy, especially for those of us with a CSA or you lucky, hard-working folks with a garden. Just keeping . . . → Read More: Smashed Zucchini on Toast (or What to Do With All That Zucchini??)

How to Make Roasted Green Beans and Mushrooms with Rosemary and Garlic Oil

The past six weeks have been a bit of a challenge in terms of our shopping and cooking routine. The winter farmer’s market has been steadily winding down, to the point where it’s all prepared foods, bread, jams, etc. However, the summer version hasn’t yet started. We’re also in between CSA shares. Everything gets back to normal next week, but it’s been slim pickings!

That’s why this recipe was perfect. It was simple and . . . → Read More: How to Make Roasted Green Beans and Mushrooms with Rosemary and Garlic Oil